Friday, August 16, 2013

South Dakota...Here we Come!

Life is good....I survived a second night of no running water, non-electric, out in the boondocks, camping.  I must say, in all honesty, it isn't bad; it just makes everything more difficult.  From brushing your teeth to having to walk a block early in the morning to you know what. While men just naturally have it a little easier, Rick was truly born to do this.  I mean live outside. He is loving this so much it makes me laugh. It's definitely an adventure for me!
We left Iowa and crossed over into South Dakota around noon today.  We ate lunch at a little local cafe and had fun conversations with people.  Three different tables were involved and wanted to know where we were headed and about the motorcycle camper. That thing really seems to intrigue people.
It was cool and cloudy most of the day today but we only got a few sprinkles of rain.  We're headed into a hot spell out here and, of course, that makes me nervous.  Everyone knows I don't do hot so well.  :)
I'd like to say "Happy Anniversary" to Dick and Bonnie, my big brother and sister-in-law today.  They sure got the marriage thing right.
Love to our friends and family.  Happy Trails.


  1. Keeping Michael updated on your adventure. Have fun, be safe and take a lot of pics.

  2. I feel your enthusiasm and sense of adventure and fun. Cool for Rick. Please make sure we see pictures of you too. Pictures are a window or a looking glass.

  3. I'm still with you and wondering "who are you?" Kidding! So many things we have to learn about ourselves and each other! Remember, you're not alone! Theres so many people traveling with you!
    Love you, Cheryl

  4. What a great post! You sound happy and happy that Rick's so happy...that's a lot of happiness and I'm so happy for you! And what fun to meet all the new people who are intrigued by what you're doing! You should offer to add them to your distrabution list so the friends you meet along the way can follow you too! So sweet your anniversary shout out to my parents, I agree completely!
